Dr Alice Greene Psychotherapy, Ealing, London

Homeopathy. Samuel Hahnemann



Homeopathy is a system of therapeutics used throughout the world for over 200 years to treat illness in body or mind, using remedies derived from natural sources. Its use is based on the 'Law of Similars', "let like be cured by like" -
ie that substances which in large doses can cause certain symptoms, can in minute doses stimulate the body's natural healing processes to cure them.

Disease is a disturbance of the vital force, (our energy blueprint which intelligently harmonises the living self-healing powers within heart, mind and body) producing mental and physical symptoms which point to the nature of the dis-ease. By matching this symptom pattern through careful history taking with different homeopathic remedy pictures, we choose the most similar remedy, the 'Simillimum', to stimulate the vital force for healing.

Like finding the right key to a lock, the gentle healing art of homeopathic medicine can sometimes have a profound effect, releasing symptoms that have been held in place for a long time, and for which orthodox medicine may have no answers.

Homeopathic remedies have no side effects and are safe in all stages of life. They have been successfully used in babies, during pregnancy and right up to the end of life. They are increasingly being used in medicine, dentistry, podiatry, nursing, veterinary medicine and pharmacy.


Many people are understandably reluctant about taking conventional drugs. In many situations, homeopathy can provide a safe and effective alternative to drugs. This applies to acute, recurrent and chronic illness. In any given situation a decision must be made to decide what type of treatment is in the best interest of the patient. In life-threatening conditions or where there is any risk of irreversible damage, we make use of surgery or orthodox drugs immediately as there is simply no alternative to orthodox scientific medicine.


Homeopathy has a place in most conditions seen in general practice:-

  • First aid for minor injuries.
  • Disposition to recurrent attacks of acute illnesses.
  • Acute conditions which are not treatable by conventional medication or where the patient would prefer if possible to avoid drugs.
  • In most chronic diseases, Homeopathy has some part to play - if not curative then supportive, helping reduce medication, promoting ease and healing. Also where there is a state of 'never feeling well' since some traumatic incident or event.
  • Behavioural / emotional problems or difficulties.


The initial homeopathic consultation takes at least an hour due to the detailed nature of the information needed to make the most accurate prescription possible, based on 'like for like'. You may for example be asked about your general energy, bodily functions, quality of sleep, food desires, temperament and personality, along with your presenting complaint, and what makes it better or worse. A physical examination and sometimes, a relevant blood test, ECG or x-ray may be necessary to complete the picture. Once the homeopathic remedy has been prescribed, a follow-up within a few weeks to assess progress will be arranged


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